

Create Facebook Messenger Chatbot Support at Every Touchpoint and Say Hello to the World! At all app touchpoints, provide prompt service. Daily connections from 1.3 billion people with Messenger Services.


Connection-making messages that support Attract Interact and Engage. Get Messenger Services today to start a conversation with anybody in the world! At all app touch points, provide prompt service. Daily connections from 1.3 billion people.

Build and monitor, and secure your apps for less

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Quick Reply

Make it easier for customers to contact our client's company by using buttons and predetermined brief replies.

Centralized Process

The team can control all Messenger interactions from a single workspace where they can access discussion history, customer profiles, message templates, and more in order to provide personalised support.

Easy switch from FAQs to Live Operators

Messenger Services lets you make a Messenger chatbot that responds to frequently asked queries and gives users the option to switch to live operators without losing the context of past discussions.

Easy Tagging

Give discussions tags.

You've already carried it out once

To maximise your use of the Facebook platform, start by connecting your existing Facebook Business page to the Messenger app.

Get leads by creating a buzz

Your revenue should grow. In order to better your chances of winning, connect your Facebook ads to Messenger. This will allow you to answer any clients who ask for more information immediately.

Use bots to lighten your load

For nearly half of clients, waiting to speak with customer service is the most unpleasant thing. You can offer inexpensive, quick self-service with your Messenger bot.

Using stunning graphics, add some appeal

To encourage conversions from your customers, highlight your product with a wide range of rich features.

Quick Questions

You may use Facebook Messenger for Business from Zapim as an automated messaging tool to get in touch with your customers, leads, and brands. One of the most popular messaging apps for businesses to communicate and offer individualized customer assistance. You may convert conversations into purchases using Facebook Messenger thanks to active engagement, around-the-clock support, and rich messaging exchange for a better experience.

You may promote your company in a variety of ways using Facebook, one of the most significant social media marketing platforms. Businesses can build brand confidence by resolving consumer queries more quickly via their preferred channel. You can express yourself more creatively with your messages by using rich texting, audio messages, and other features. Using Facebook Messenger will help you generate high-quality leads and reduce your cost per lead.

We can all agree that Facebook, with its estimated 2.85 billion monthly active users, is one of the most widely used social networking platforms worldwide. Customers want to talk and want businesses to be around when they do. Using chatbots, your business may digitise the customer communication channel and be accessible round-the-clock to help customers with their issues.

By connecting with your target audience, Facebook Messenger for Business helps your business build brand awareness. To save brands time and money, you can programme automatic responses to address all of the frequently asked queries. Due to the automation, you can have access to client information that you can utilise to target and re-engage customers.

One of the best ways to get customers to come back is to personalise your messaging for each one. Customers want quick responses from your company. Therefore being tenacious with your schedule is essential. Your business has a great chance of expanding by providing a better client experience and raising ROI.