
Push Notifications

Introducing the Alerts that Work. Simple, browser-based notifications can reach, engage, and retain website visitors. Obtain notifications that work. Launch the web push alerts right away with the renowned Push notification company India has, Zapim.


Today, Web Push notification company India offers the fastest-growing platform for online push notifications, and it is used by both developers and marketers. There is support for all widely used browsers. Over 100 different languages have been used by Zapim’s customers to date to create customized opt-in prompts.

Build and monitor, and secure your apps for less

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Snapshot table

An overview table of all applications (total users, daily users, and subscribers).

Group Selection

Push messages to all users or a group of users.

Alert Targets

Users can be grouped to better target their alerts.

Dashboard Glance

Overview of the selected app, including the total number of subscribers, monthly active users, and subscription numbers.

Customized Templates

Reusable message templates can be made or modified.

Click Efficiency

Quantity of clicks.

Turning visitors into subscribers

Profit from the easiest opt-in procedure. Visitors can express interest quickly and easily without disclosing any personal information by subscribing to web push notifications. All you need is for them to click “accept,” and you can communicate with them both while they are actively using your website and even when they aren’t.

Enjoy high rates of engagement

With the help of our customer engagement center, Moments, you can design comprehensive customer journeys using web push notifications, enabling you to control time and content for higher click-through and engagement rates.

Make the experience more unique and personalized

You may start customising your web push alerts with Moments and stop delivering random ones. Rich customer data enables personalization, the creation of efficient communications flows, A/B testing, and analysis – for each and every subscriber.

Gain from using other channels

With an online push, the narrative need not end. Increase the omnichannel effectiveness of your web push by interacting with your customers through their preferred channels, including voice, SMS, RCS, email, mobile push, and chat apps. All services under one roof when it comes to Push notification company India has to offer through Zapim

Quick Questions

The notifications that occasionally appear at the upper right of your desktop screen if you’ve signed up for a brand’s web push notifications are nothing new.

An actionable message is sent to a visitor’s device from a website via a browser known as a web push notification (also known as a browser push notification). In order to engage, re-engage, and retain website visitors, these communications should be contextual, current, and tailored.

Take a look at some of the benefits of including web push notifications in your marketing strategy.

  • Messages can be sent even when people aren’t online
  • Easy opt-in process.
  • Speedy delivery
  • Greater involvement
  • Increased conversion rates


You can get a brand-new channel that works in unison with your conventional email marketing techniques using website push alerts. Additionally, they offer an additional channel for quick and direct contact that isn’t buried in overflowing inboxes or nonstop messaging streams.

When they open their browser, users who choose to get push notifications from your browser will be able to view all alerts (even those they missed).

Push alerts on websites can help marketers in the travel, publishing, restaurant and delivery, financial, and insurance industries increase their bottom-of-funnel conversions.

Push messages include brief, snappy offers that promote engagement, conversion, and retention without the restrictions of forms, such as new content alerts, time-limited specials, and forthcoming events.

To get you started, follow these simple 5 steps:

  1. Decide on a web push provider
  2. Implement opt-in controls on your website
  3. Assemble users
  4. User segments
  5. Publish web push notifications

Consider a scenario in which a client of yours notices a request from your website to display web push notifications. This consumer chooses to opt-in with a simple click because they adore your items and are thrilled to get updates from you.