
Promotional SMS

Text messages sent primarily for promoting products or services are considered promotional messages. That includes all sales, promotional, and marketing messages which may or may not be desired by the recipient. Promotional bulk SMS service in India is the easiest, simplest, and most effective way of communicating and interacting with a large audience. Companies use promotional SMS messages to promote their company, service, or products to every recipient’s mobile phone.

Promotional SMS services in India are reliable and cost-effective ways to advertise, promote and build the business, increase sales, interact with the customers and maintain customer satisfaction. Promotion SMS campaigns are typically time-based and relevant to the recipient but get instantly delivered and are easy to read. Thus, it helps immensely businesses to improve their marketing performance.

Why are Promotional
SMS used?

As the benefits of Promotional SMS services in India are unlimited and towering, businesses prefer to use these text message services to reach their dedicated targeted customers.

With a single click on your mobile or website, you can send messages to hundreds of your customers at once. They have a call-to-action for each customer who has opted to receive these messages, and you benefit from their taking action. Organizations or businesses use promotional SMS for context-driven messages and also benefit in branding, advertising, promoting a product, or even sending seasonal wishes and discount offers. Thus, consumers opt for promotional text messages that are continually updated about your company’s products and services. Thereby saving time wasted on visiting a website or mobile app to get the latest updates or information. Here are the benefits of Promotional bulk SMS service in India and the reason to use them.


SMS marketing messages are an affordable approach to advertise any type of business. It keeps customers updated on discounts, sales and special offers that may interest them.

Any organization, business, or individual can use Promotional SMS services in India to sell, promote, or advertise a good, a name, and a service. Some of the features of Promotional bulk SMS service in India and the reason to use them are the following-

Delivery on NON-DND numbers

Promotional SMS can be sent to all NON-DND numbers. Enterprises use promotional SMS to promote their sales by sending promotional offers, marketing messages, updates, and festive offers to their registered and potential customers.

Using Regional Languages

Promotional SMS services let businesses send mass SMS with the Unicode option to send text messages in national & regional languages like Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu and many more.


Promotional SMS services offer businesses to send messages through a well-structured, user-friendly, and simplified SMS Panel. As a result, you can send messages in no time without any technicalities.

Scheduling for Future

With promotional SMS services, businesses can schedule their SMS text messages to be sent to their customers at a future date and time. They can schedule these messages easily for up to a year into the future.

Benefits of Promotional SMS

Following are a few benefits of transactional SMS messages your businesses can use to send your customers.


The promotional SMS campaign is a marketing tool consisting of messages spread over a period to improve conversion rates. With the help of these automated text messages consumers can get engaged with multiple messages and thus, create an association with your messages, and be ready to act on the message's call-to-action.

Quick Response

The customers usually open promotional SMS within three to five minutes of receiving them. Since SMS is easy and quick to read, the customers prefer an SMS to email or phone calls for receiving updates and information, thus opening new areas for business promotion.


Sending messages or emails individually to hundreds of people from your distribution list can be very time-consuming and take up your effort. Thus, bulk promotional SMS quickly solves this problem for enterprises and businesses by allowing them to reach the maximum number of customers with just one click from your mobile device or website.


Promotional SMS is a highly flexible, easy, quick and cost-effective way of reaching hundreds of customers with the lowest investment.

Additional benefits of promotional SMS include the following

Quick Questions

Yes, you can. Suppose subscribers in your target group have opted in to receive your business” messages despite being in a DND zone. In that case, messages from your business can be processed for delivery to these subscribers.

According to TRAI’s TCCCP regulation, Promotional messages are allowed to be sent only from 9 am to 9 pm. Therefore, these messages cannot be sent at any time, unlike transactional SMS. Thus, promotional SMS sent outside the mentioned time zone will fail automatically.

Promotional SMS is an automated text message service that is helpful for businesses to reach out to their customers for brand promotion, updating and publicity purposes.

Promotional messages are sent to the registered customers by the businesses to advertise their products and services, spread brand awareness, send updates and discount offers, and conduct marketing campaigns.

Promotional SMS can be used by any business or enterprise willing to market its brand to customers and prospective clients.

Businesses and enterprises use Promotional SMS to send marketing things like:

  • Discount offers
  • Free coupons
  • Gift vouchers
  • Sales messages
  • Special offers
  • Festive offers
  • Event invitations